Monday, June 6, 2011

Self Awarness Leads to Meaningful Change

There is steps to healing. Whether its a personal trait or an addiction you want to correct being aware that there is a problem is a big first step to making a meaningful change. You may not be aware that you harming others around you let alone yourself but the only way to get better is to change.

Realization is a hard concept to intake but once you do change is in the near future. Personally this topic applies to my life. Growing up without siblings I was always getting everything my way and never had to share or put others into consideration. When I got to the age to go to school this mind set did not go over so well. I struggled my elementary years and was always in trouble with teachers for not sharing and leaving classmates out or talking over others. I got away with it for most of my younger school years and than middle school was just around the corner. It was my second day of sixth grade and it was all new kids from different schools. My friends from elementary dealt with the way I was due to the fact that they had been around it for five years but kids from the other schools to them I was that obnoxious snob. We were having a class discussion about what we were excited for in the next three years at our new school. This girl was explaining her enthusiasm for sports and me being me budged right in there and over powered her with what I had to say about sports. Before I new it I was an annoyance to my whole class. It was about half way through sixth grade that I had to learn the concept of letting everyone state their opinion and that everyone perceives situations differently. My teachers noticed a change in me and so did I. Before I new it me and that girl from the second day had become the best of friends and still are to this day. She still talks about how we met and we look back and laugh. I mean I haven't changed too much I still have my little fits when I don't get my way and when I cant voice my opinion but no one is perfect.

Therefor through realization of my self centered antics I made a best friend that I plan to have by my side throughout my life beyond schooling and I'm much more personable and easy to be around.

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