Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk A Paragraph

I could tell by the definite lines in his cheeks that this man had led a happy life. There was no doubt in my mind that those lines had gotten there from smiling and laughing over the years. He was wearing a simple grey sweater , black pants and practical white sneakers the only thing not so simple about his outfit was the hat he was wearing. It was an odd hat something you would see in an Italian mob flick feather and everything. His left ring finger was bare. All I could wonder was why someone who looked so kind was not sharing it with someone else. I watched him put two sugars and one cream into his coffee and slice the top off of his it looked like to be a blueberry muffin this seemed very routine. He had kind eyes the eyes you look into when you are sad and it makes everything okay he seemed as if he was some sort of saint I have never seen anyone look so nice from a first impression. He was playing Keno again it seemed like this was an every day event for him. He did'nt have any distinct facial expressions be he looked very content with his life. Today i realized how much you can tell about somebody by the lines in their face.

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